Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
The complete number of people experiencing severe food frailty has been on the ascent since 2015, and there are as yet a great many malnourished youngsters. The financial lull and the disturbance of food esteem chains brought about by the pandemic
are worsening appetite and food frailty. Also, the upsurge in desert beetles stays disturbing in East Africa and Yemen, where 35 million people experience intense food frailty. Attributable to the pandemic, about 370 million schoolchildren
feel the loss of the free school suppers they depend on. Measures to reinforce food creation and dissemination frameworks must be taken promptly to moderate and limit the pandemic's effects.
The accompanying examination ventures have been explicitly adjusted to Sustainable Development Goal 2, which aims to end hunger, accomplish food security, and improve sustenance and advance economic farming. ITU has numerous projects related to
These tasks and activities are instances of the University's commitment to the SDGs.