Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The year 2019 was the second hottest on record and the hottest decade's finish, 2010 to 2019. Furthermore, with a normal worldwide temperature of 1.1°C above assessed pre-mechanical levels, the worldwide network is a distant track to meet either the 1.5 or 2°C targets called for in the Paris Agreement. Albeit ozone-depleting substance discharges are extended to drop by 6 per cent in 2020, and air quality has improved because of movement boycotts and the monetary log jam coming about because of the pandemic, the improvement is just transitory. Governments and organizations ought to use the exercises figured out to quicken the advances expected to accomplish the Paris Agreement, rethink the relationship with the climate and make fundamental movements and groundbreaking changes to bring down ozone-depleting substance discharges and atmosphere strong economies and social orders.

The accompanying examination ventures have been explicitly adjusted to Sustainable Development Goal 13 and the mean to make a dire move to battle environmental change and its effects. These ventures and activities are instances of the University's commitment to the SDGs.


A Game of Climate Change: CAMAPOLI

A climate change, adaptation and mitigation game based in Istanbul

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Open Digital Innovation Hub

This research aims to build a self-sustaining house which will serve as an Open Digital Innovation Hub (ODIH) for the entrepreneurs and researchers.

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Studies on Arctic, Antarctic, Ocean and Marine Sciences

TU has established a Polar Research Center called ITU PolRec. The center has a National Antarctic Science Team which has mission is to conduct intercollegiate and international studies on Arctic, Antarctic, Ocean and Marine Sciences.

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ITU Green Campus Project

ITU has declared several ambitious targets and projects concerning increase the use of zero emission vehicles, pedestrians’ paths and bicycle roads.

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We are Managing Our Waste

Waste production and recycling is controlled under Turkish Government and ITU policies.

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A sustainable Water Strategy Model: HIDROTURK

Shortly abbreviated as HIDROTURK, the project entitled “Development of Turkey-Specific Hydrology, Water Quality and Ecology Modeling Tools for Sustainable Management of Water Resources” is carried out by ITU in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

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ITU projected the first Super City of Turkey!

A team from ITU designed “zero energy, zero waste and self-sufficient ecological city that produces its own needs” in Eskisehir Kocakır.

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Protection of Species and Biodiversity

ITU conducts different works to maintain and extend existing ecosystems. In order to maintain the biodiversity in the campus, many experts and academicians in different fields are collaborating.

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