Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Backwoods regions kept on declining; ensured regions were not gathered in key biodiversity zones and species stayed undermined with elimination. Notwithstanding, efforts were picking up foothold and having beneficial outcomes that could assist
with turning around those results, for example, expanded advancement towards maintainable backwoods the board; gains in secured zone inclusion for earthly, freshwater, and mountain zones; and progress in executing projects, enactment and bookkeeping
standards to ensure biodiversity and environments.
The accompanying examination ventures have been explicitly adjusted to Sustainable Development Goal 15 and the mean to secure, reestablish and advance reasonable utilization of earthbound environments, economically oversee woodlands, battle desertification,
and end and converse land corruption and stop biodiversity misfortune. These ventures and activities are instances of the University's commitment to the SDGs.